Casablanca: Diptych

Hover over the image of the piece to see it magnified. 

2003- 2006. Collage on Okawara paper with Silk Tissue. 78 x 144″. Collection of Artist.
Some of my favorite works of art look back at me (or you).
Silk tissue covers work with the eyes drifting down – sliding over and around the works as if the art was the observer. Some works are embellished with the eyes of the creator.
The colorized version is “my narrative.” My brain is surrounded with early art experiences and the medallions are filled with art experiences and a few that I still want to experience. The outer area is about the early art tech and the Books and Magazines that make up my work forms a frame.
Outer space holds record of early computer art. A life of art accumulated in my brain and in my heart— my personal cabinet of wonder. From my earliest art experiences to future road trips and some art I regrettably will never see.